Portuguese Seaweeds Website - Portal Português das Macroalgas
Here you can access to the great and valuable AlgaeHerbarium Collection of the University of Coimbra (COI). See information about the local (all over the world) where a certain species or genus can be found - search by genus or species - or check which seaweeds were already found at a particular costal station - search by collecting site. You can also search the preserved specimens (in formalin and herbarium) in MACOI and COI - Phycological Digital Collection. MACOI participatinginGBIF network and allspecimensof thisdatabasearegeoreferenced.
https://books.google.pt/books/about/Edible_Seaweeds_of_the_World.html?hl=pt-PT&id=S8wNrgEACAAJThis book describes about 345 red algae (Rhodophyta), 125 green algae (Chlorophyta) and 195 brown algae (Phaeophyceae).