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armata Harvey
armata Harvey
Asparagopsis armata Harvey  |  MACOI nš: 112 (1998-02-26)
(detailed information)

Collection: MACOI
Identif Year:  1998
Colecting Site(s):
Portinho da Areia do Norte (Peniche), Portugal
Description: In north-eastern Europe, gametophyte plants occurring from June or July - August or September (sometimes overwintering), pale purplish-red, quickly degenerating when removed from the water and becoming distinctly orange; fronds bushy, with a cylindrical axis to1 mm wide and 200 mm long, arising from bare, creeping stolons; irregularly branched, with 4 rows of branchlets, simple, short, branchlets alternating with longer ones with 4 rows of simple filamentous ramuli. Lower branchlets unbranched, long, tapered, with harpoon-like barbs. Tetrapsorophyte (“Falkenbergia-phase”) occurring all year round, but most obvious in October-March, brownish-red, much branched, filamentous, in dense cotton-wool-like tufts to 15 mm in diameter.

Genus:  Asparagopsis Montagne
see species detailed info >
Asparagopsis armata Harvey

Identifier: Rui Gaspar
Collector: Rui Gaspar

Availability: Available

1858 specimens in MACOI collections
2293 bibliographic references
2817 occurrence records
6140 images