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vulgare C.Agardh
Sargassum vulgare C.Agardh  |  ocurrence (2009-09-09)
(detailed information)

Identif Year:  2009
Colecting Site(s):
Notes: Sara Isidoro Local: Portinho da Areia do Norte (Peniche), Portugal
Description: Sargassum vulgare is olive-brown / dark-brown, perennial seaweed. The alga  has a thalli reaching 15-70 cm high; foliaceous branches spear-shaped, flattened having a length of 1,5-4 cm  and possess a central rib and undulated edge. It is attached to the substrate via a discoid holdfast, irregular rhizoidal branches. The base of the fronds has hollow, spherical vesicles, of 3-5mm, and clusters of reproductive bodies; these are held in place by a pedicle. S.vulgare is most commonly found in tide pools and rocky substrata on the horizon upper level subtidal.

Genus:  Sargassum C. Agardh
see species detailed info >
Sargassum vulgare C.Agardh

Identifier: Rui Gaspar
Collector: Rui Gaspar

Availability: Available

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6140 images