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cryptarthrodia Zanardini
Amphiroa cryptarthrodia Zanardini  |  ocurrence (2014-08-16)
(detailed information)

Identif Year:  2014
Colecting Site(s):
Notes: Carolina Rocha, Mariana Perdiz, Portinatx, Ibiza, Spain - A bay on the northern part of Ibiza island, with a rocky coastline, surrounded by forests. The sea water is warm and the weather well-tempered (Mediterranean weather). The beaches are small and shallow for some distance and the place is quite remote, of difficult access.

Calcareous algae, commonly found in the Atlantic Ocean (from France to Senegal) and in the Mediterranean Sea.

Its thallus has an endophytic base on other calcareous algae, usually Lithophyllum species. The thallus is erect, bushy, and the branching of this alga is dichotomous and regular, with angles of about 90° between branches. The branches’ apices are somewhat swollen and are projected in different directions (on different levels). The colour of the living specimen is light pink, with apices of a lighter colour (due to annular ridges). When dry, the specimen’s colour is similar to the living one.

Genus:  Amphiroa J.V. Lamouroux
    Sinonym: Amphiroa spina
see species detailed info >
Amphiroa cryptarthrodia Zanardini

Identifier: Leonel Pereira
Collector: Leonel Pereira

Availability: Available

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