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viscida (Forsskål) C. Agardh
Liagora viscida (Forsskål) C. Agardh  |  ocurrence (2009-09-09)
(detailed information)

Identif Year:  2009
Colecting Site(s):
Notes: Manuela Cerqueira Soraia Branco Local: Portinho da Areia do Norte (Peniche), Portugal
Description: This specimen is quite common. It’s filamentous and calcified, predominantly white with the apex pink and violet, the texture can be firm and chalky or soft and mucilaginous. This seewead can be found generally attached to a reef between 0 and 20m.

Genus:  Liagora J.V. Lamouroux
    Sinonym: Fucus viscidus Forsskål
see species detailed info >
Liagora viscida (Forsskål) C. Agardh

Identifier: Leonel Pereira
Collector: Leonel Pereira

Availability: Available

1858 specimens in MACOI collections
2293 bibliographic references
2817 occurrence records
6140 images