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tomentosum Stackhouse
tomentosum Stackhouse
Codium tomentosum Stackhouse  |  MACOI nº: 3806 (2011-10-08)
(detailed information)

Collection: MACOI
Dimensions:  20 cm
Identif Year:  2011
Colecting Site(s):
Buarcos Bay, Portugal
Notes: Manuela Cerqueira Soraia Branco
Description: Codium tomentosum is a small dark-green seaweed which belongs to the family Codiaceae in the Phylum Chlorophyta. It an grow up to 30 centimeters in length. The genus name comes from the greek word kodion, which means small sheepskin.The thallus or frond has a dichotomous, much-branched structure with thin branches or fronds, which are cylindrical and from 8 to 10 millimeters in diameter. The fronds are solid and spongy with a felt-like or velvety touch, and are covered with colourless hairs which are visible when it is submerged. The holdfast of Codium tomentosum is disc- or saucer-shaped, and has closely woven threads or strands, giving it a uniform appearance. Codium tomentosum is a perennial species of the infra-littoral, and attaches to exposed rocks and occurs in deep rock pools on the lower shore.

Genus:  Codium Stackhouse
see species detailed info >
Codium tomentosum Stackhouse

Identifier: Leonel Pereira
Collector: Marina Araújo

Availability: Available

1858 specimens in MACOI collections
2293 bibliographic references
2817 occurrence records
6140 images