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rigida J.V. Lamouroux
Amphiroa rigida J.V. Lamouroux  |  ocurrence (2011-08-03)
(detailed information)

Identif Year:  2011
Colecting Site(s):
Notes: Ana Jorge, Inês Tavares, Palma Nova Bay, Mallorca, Spain
Description: Amphiroa rigida is a specie of a red seaweed, and is usually found in water with a depth between 2 and 3,8 meters. It has articulated calcified branches whose end is rounded, this branches grow until 2,5 to 5 mm long. The ramifications can go from dark to light red, almost white in some cases. This specie can be found during all year in hotter waters.

Genus:  Amphiroa J.V. Lamouroux
    Sinonym: Amphiroa spina
see species detailed info >
Amphiroa rigida J.V. Lamouroux

Identifier: Leonel Pereira
Collector: Leonel Pereira

Availability: Available

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