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rigida J.V. Lamouroux
Amphiroa rigida J.V. Lamouroux  |  ocurrence (2016-08-08)
(detailed information)

Identif Year:  2016
Colecting Site(s):
Cala Domingos, Cales de Mallorca, Mallorca, Spain
Notes: Ana Marques and Sofia Marques - Cala Domingos, Cales de Mallorca, Mallorca, Spain - This location is part of a large Island in the Mediterranean. Is a popular holiday destination in summer. It has the typical mediterranean climate, mild and stormy winter and a hot dry summer. For accesses it has an international airport, a metro station, a rail network and a bus station. This island has two mountainous regions, one of them is a UNESCO world heritage site. When it comes to the beach, is a children friendly place with salt water and it is a typical sandybeach. Yet the island had a less amount of consumable water when compared to the salty water existent. There are 3 main beaches: Cala Domingos Grans, Cala Domingos Petit and Cala Antena, where several water sports, like Pedal Boats, could be played.
Description: This macroalgae have a heavily calcified thallus, colored in pink or purple with branching dichotomous.

Genus:  Amphiroa J.V. Lamouroux
    Sinonym: Amphiroa spina
see species detailed info >
Amphiroa rigida J.V. Lamouroux

Identifier: Leonel Pereira
Collector: Leonel Pereira

Availability: Available

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2293 bibliographic references
2817 occurrence records
6140 images